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Interview Questions for QA automation Test engineer with Coding examples

Becoming a Test Automation Engineer can be a challenging but rewarding career path. As a Test Automation Engineer, you will play a critical role in ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications through automated testing.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in Test Automation Engineering, it’s essential to be prepared for the interview process.

To help you prepare, we have compiled a list of essential interview questions and answers for Test Automation Engineer candidates.

Whether you’re an experienced tester or a fresher, these questions and answers will help you understand what employers are looking for and how to demonstrate your expertise in automation testing.

In our previous set of interview Q&A for experienced testers and freshers, we covered a range of topics, including testing methodologies, test management tools, and manual testing techniques.

In this new set of interview Q&A, we focus specifically on test automation, which is becoming increasingly important in the software development industry.

This includes a list of QA testing essential interview questions and answers, as well as tips for answering behavioral and technical questions. It also covers common automation testing frameworks, tools, and technologies that employers are likely to ask about in an interview.

1. Can you describe your experience with programming languages such as Java or Python?

I have extensive experience with Java programming language, and have used it to write test automation scripts for web and mobile applications. I have used Java in conjunction with test automation frameworks such as Selenium and TestNG, and have also used Java libraries such as Apache POI for data-driven testing.
Here’s a sample code snippet in Java for navigating to a URL using Selenium WebDriver:

// Import the required Selenium WebDriver classes
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

// Create a new instance of the ChromeDriver class
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

// Navigate to the URL of the website to be tested

// Close the browser window

How do you approach developing an automated test script, and what are some key factors you consider when designing and implementing the script?

When developing an automated test script, I typically start by identifying the test scenario and the expected outcomes. I then create a test plan that outlines the steps required to execute the test scenario, and identify any data inputs or dependencies that are required.

When designing the script, I consider factors such as code maintainability, reusability, and scalability, and use object-oriented programming principles such as abstraction and inheritance to create a modular and flexible design.

Here’s a sample code snippet in Java for verifying the presence of an element on a web page using Selenium WebDriver:


// Import the required Selenium WebDriver classes
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

// Create a new instance of the ChromeDriver class
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

// Navigate to the URL of the website to be tested

// Find the element on the page using a CSS selector
By cssSelector = By.cssSelector(“input[type=’text’]”);

// Verify that the element is present on the page
if (driver.findElement(cssSelector).isDisplayed()) {
System.out.println(“Element is present on the page”);
} else {
System.out.println(“Element is not present on the page”);

// Close the browser window

Can you describe your experience with using test automation frameworks such as Selenium, TestNG, or JUnit?

I have extensive experience with test automation frameworks such as Selenium, TestNG, and JUnit, and have used them to create robust and maintainable test automation scripts.

I have used Selenium WebDriver to automate web browser interactions, and have used TestNG and JUnit to create test suites and execute tests in parallel. Here’s a sample code snippet in Java for executing a TestNG test using annotations:

// Import the required TestNG classes
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;

public class ExampleTest {
// Create a WebDriver instance
WebDriver driver;

public void setUp() {
// Create a new instance of the ChromeDriver class
driver = new ChromeDriver();

public void navigateToPage() {
// Navigate to the URL of the website to be tested

public void verifyTitle() {
// Verify that the page title is correct
String expected




11. Can you explain how you would approach testing of mobile applications, and what challenges you have encountered in mobile testing?

To approach testing of mobile applications, I typically use a combination of manual and automated testing
approaches, including functional testing, usability testing, and performance testing.

I also ensure that the application is tested on various devices and platforms to ensure compatibility and consistency. Some challenges I have encountered in mobile testing include issues with fragmentation, where the same application may behave differently on different devices or platforms, and issues with network connectivity, where the application’s performance may be affected by the quality of the network connection.

12. How do you approach cross-browser testing, and what strategies do you use to ensure compatibility across different browsers and versions?

Cross-browser testing is an important aspect of automated testing, and we typically approach it by creating test scripts that cover various browsers and versions. We also use tools such as Selenium WebDriver and BrowserStack to automate cross-browser testing and to ensure that our tests are consistent across different platforms and devices.

To ensure compatibility across different browsers and versions, we use techniques such as user-agent switching, where the test script emulates different browsers and versions, and we also use manual testing and inspection to validate the accuracy and completeness of our test results.

13. Can you describe a situation where you had to troubleshoot an issue with an automated test, and what steps you took to resolve the issue?

One situation where I had to troubleshoot an issue with an automated test involved a scenario where the test was failing intermittently and producing inconsistent results. To resolve the issue, I first analyzed the test script and identified any potential issues with the test case design or implementation.

I also reviewed the test data and the environment configuration to ensure that all dependencies were correctly configured. After narrowing down the potential issues, I implemented a series of debug statements and log messages to isolate the issue and to track the test execution flow.

This approach helped me to identify the root cause of the issue, which was a timing issue caused by an asynchronous process. I then updated the test script to include a wait statement to ensure that the asynchronous process was completed before the test continued, which resolved the issue.

14. Can you explain how you would ensure that your automated tests are maintainable and scalable, and what strategies you would use to manage test code and resources?

To ensure that our automated tests are maintainable and scalable, we follow a set of best practices, including modular test design, code reuse, and version control. We also use test automation frameworks such as TestNG or JUnit to standardize our test code and to ensure consistency across all tests.

To manage test code and resources, we use tools such as Git or SVN to store and manage our test code, and we also use build tools such as Jenkins or TeamCity to automate the build and execution of our tests. We also prioritize code review and collaboration with other members of the testing team to ensure that our tests are well-designed and maintainable.

15. Can you describe your experience with continuous integration and continuous delivery, and how you would approach integrating automated testing into a CI/CD pipeline?

I have experience with continuous integration and continuous delivery, and I typically approach integrating automated testing into a CI/CD pipeline by automating the build and execution of our tests and integrating them into the pipeline through a tool such as Jenkins or TeamCity.

We also use techniques such as test-driven development and behavior-driven development to ensure that our tests are aligned with the application’s functionality and requirements.

To ensure that our automated tests are integrated seamlessly into the CI/CD pipeline, we collaborate closely with the development team to ensure that our tests are triggered at the appropriate stages of the pipeline and that they provide accurate and reliable results.

QA Testing Interview Q&A for Experience Testers

Selenium Tutorial for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide

Selenium with Java: A Comprehensive Tutorial for Beginners

QA Testing Interview Preparation -Part 4

16. Can you describe your experience with performance testing, and what tools or frameworks you have used for performance testing?

I have experience with performance testing, and I typically approach it by using tools such as JMeter or Gatling to simulate various load scenarios and to measure the application’s response time and throughput. We also use profiling tools such as VisualVM or JProfiler to identify any performance bottlenecks or memory leaks in the application.

To ensure that our performance testing is accurate and reliable, we follow best practices such as using realistic test data, analyzing the test results thoroughly, and conducting testing on different platforms and environments. We also collaborate closely with the development team to ensure that any performance issues are addressed and resolved.

17. Can you describe a situation where you had to collaborate with developers to resolve a testing issue, and what strategies you used to ensure effective communication and resolution of the issue?

One situation where I had to collaborate with developers to resolve a testing issue involved a scenario where the automated test was failing due to a bug in the application code.

To resolve the issue, I first reported the issue to the development team and provided detailed steps to reproduce the issue. I also provided log files and test data to help them isolate and reproduce the issue.

We then worked together to identify the root cause of the issue and to develop a fix for the bug. Throughout the process, we maintained open and effective communication, with regular updates on the status of the issue and any progress made towards resolution.

18. Can you describe your experience with API testing, and what tools or frameworks you have used for API testing?

I have experience with API testing, and I typically approach it by using tools such as Postman or Rest-Assured to automate the testing of RESTful APIs.

We also use techniques such as boundary value analysis and equivalence partitioning to ensure that our tests cover a range of scenarios and inputs.

To ensure that our API testing is accurate and reliable, we use techniques such as contract testing and mock testing to validate the API’s behavior and to ensure that it conforms to the expected specifications.

We also collaborate closely with the development team to ensure that any issues with the API are addressed and resolved. 

19. Can you explain how you have used automation to test for integration with third-party systems, and what approaches you have used to manage dependencies?

One situation where I had to use my debugging skills to identify the root cause of an issue in an automated test involved a scenario where a test was failing intermittently without any clear indication of the root cause.

To identify the issue, I first reviewed the logs and error messages generated by the test to identify any patterns or clues. I also reviewed the code of the test and the application to understand the sequence of events leading up to the failure.

After several rounds of testing and debugging, I eventually discovered that the issue was related to the timing of the test execution, and that it was due to a race condition in the application code.

To resolve the issue, I worked with the development team to modify the application code to address the race condition, and also updated the test script to ensure that it was properly synchronized and timed to avoid the issue in the future.

 20. Can you describe your experience with version control systems such as Git, and how you have used them in the context of automated testing?

I have extensive experience with Git, and we use it extensively in our automated testing process to manage our code and test scripts.

We use Git to track changes to our test scripts and to collaborate with the development team on changes to the application code. We also use Git to manage our test data and to ensure that we have a reliable and consistent testing environment.

To ensure that our use of Git is effective and efficient, we follow best practices such as branching and merging strategies, code reviews, and continuous integration and delivery.

We also use tools such as Jenkins and GitLab to automate our testing and deployment processes and to ensure that our tests are run automatically and consistently across different environments and platforms.

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